How should I take reductil

Many aspiring bodybuilders wishing to start a cutting cycle tend to try out a number of weight loss “magic pills”. But many of such pills are not exactly what they claim to be.However, with Reductil you have an oral prescription medication that seems to live up to its claims of weight reduction in the quickest possible time.

This post briefly explains how Reductil is administered, the ideal dosage and period of use.

What is Reductil?

First of, it is appropriate to start by explaining what exactly Reductil is, for anyone that is not yet acquainted with the drug.

Sibutramine hydrochloride is the generic name of this medication. It is used in helping people with weight issues to normalise their weight and live a more confident and healthy life.

Sibutramine is the active ingredient in this drug and its job is to regulate a couple of chemicals, namely; serotonin and noradrenalin, which help in determining an individual’s level of satiety.

The idea is to tell your brain that you are full and really do not need to chow down on any more food. The less you eat, the more likely you are to consume less fat and calories, which means you are even less likely to gain excess weight.

In addition to this, your RMR will increase and you will burn food faster than you may have before.

Reductil helps to normalise your BMI. If your BMI is anywhere from 25.0 and 29.9 you are considered overweight while having a BMI of 30 and above, you are regarded as obese.



Recommended Reductil Dosage

Sibutramine hydrochloride is available in tablet form and therefore administered orally. If you are overweight, your doctor may prescribe a daily Reductil dosage of 10mg which can be taken for a period of between 4 to 6 weeks.

However, if you have a BMI of 30 and above, you may be prescribed a Reductil dosage of 15mg per day also for a period of between 4 and 6 weeks.

Where you have used 10mg of Reductil per day for 4 weeks and you have not experienced significant changes to your weight, your doctor may decide to up your dosage to 15mg per day for another 4 weeks.

The Reductil cycle you are placed on will be dependent on your level of tolerance, reaction to common side effects and if you have any underlying health issues.

However, regardless of whatever Reductil cycle you are on, this drug should not be used daily for more than 24 months at a stretch. It is always advisable to follow the prescription of your doctor.

It is also important to note that taking Reductil alone without maintaining a healthy eating habit backed up with a regular exercise routine may adversely affect the drug’s effectiveness in significantly reducing your weight.

Furthermore, Reductil dosage can be taken with or without food as the drug is normally well tolerated in the gut.

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